Arek Holko

Improving Notification Center

Originally published on Macoscope's Blog.

A couple of weeks ago, in his How Not to Crash series, Brent Simmons wrote in detail about common issues related to using NSNotificationCenter. The piece clearly demonstrated how much busy work rests on our shoulders and how hard it is to get everything right.

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Why you should start using @weakify and @strongify macros

I have to admit something. I haven't used @weakify and @strongify macros in any of my projects yet. A recent discussion in my team at Macoscope and a discussion on Twitter started by Peter Steinberger sparked my interest in these macros. Read on to learn what I found out and why I think they're the way to go in most scenarios.

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Introducing ReflectableEnum

I'm happy to announce that I released ReflectableEnum – Reflection for enumerations in Objective-C last week. ReflectableEnum tries to fix some of the problems I've been having with enums in Objective-C for a long time. It's a small library, but I think it can find its place in many Objective-C codebases.

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Improving Immutable Object Initialization in Objective-C

Much has been written and said about advantages of using completely immutable objects. For the past few months I’ve been making sure that as many parts as possible of systems I build are immutable. When doing that I've noticed that creation of immutable objects can become cumbersome, so I set out to improve it. You can find the outcome of my thinking in a small library called AHKBuilder. Read on to learn whys and hows behind this library.

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Compile-time checked switch statements in Objective-C

Thanks to its design Swift can catch more issues at compile-time than Objective-C. Some similar checks can be performed in Objective-C too, although they're not well-known and sometimes tricky. In this post I'll describe how to get as much help as possible from the compiler when it comes to switch statements.

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